
Written in simple sentences. Everyone can understand. Life after death exists

Particles (atoms) and elementary particles (quantum) have "delicate" consciousness that is incomparable to human consciousness, and they never disappear. Human "particles and elementary particles" "cannot be inferior" to coronavirus partic…

Try this breathing technique if you have trouble falling asleep.

■The lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle reacts just by grasping the fist. ■There are ways to relieve intense stress and improve "falling asleep". It will definitely help you. Amazon Kindle Unlimitedhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B09X1VRJ…


直径数十メートルの風車を回す大型の風力発電機デカす ぎると思いませんか?。小型をいっぱい設置すればいい じゃないですか。大型の設置費用だけで小型を2~3基 設置できると思いますがね~。 EV用にコンビニ全部に蓄電地と一緒に設置するといいかも、 --…